Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Her's was a heart divided.

"But he's still the perfume in every room."

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

shadow of another that once was

I am ambivalence.

marianna qi
* Age: 27
* Gender: Female
* Astrological Sign: Libra
* Zodiac Year: Sheep
* Occupation: hedonist

About Me
i am marianna. that is all. that is all.

Your people want to make a statue in your honor. What will it be made out of and what victory will it commemorate?
paper, for the ink.

* all things outside myself.

Favorite Movies
* the one where the boy loves the girl and she dies at the end

Favorite Music
* the song of the spheres

Favorite Books
* the one where the girl loves the boy who loves a boy

The edges smudge.

i do not need the salt of his indifference for flavour.
if i must take the sharpness of that razor - the cut of his devotion to things other than me - and slice away at the home i find in him, the sweet he offers me, the softness i pull from him, will i still find enough to cover my raw exposure?
but this is. love.

There is home in your arms, but there is hope in his eyes.

as paper-tissue to fire, fidelity blackens to smoke and nothing.
from whisper to shreds.

his voice folds concrete origami.

lonely makes you stupid
"is it so wrong to - just - want - to - feel?
even if he is impassive.
i feel enough for the both of us."

it's only a matter of seconds slicing back.
before she comes down in pieces.

simpler ways to cry.
For each a time there is only the pain, of having him and not. The wet of a kiss that becomes a tear in the dark, the way you felt you could absorb the soft-strong home you found in his arms, in the cotton crease of his shirt, and the warm of his scent, now sandpaper-coarse against your cheek and the assault of vinegar on your nostrils.

you must not break, but yet you take;
only what he is willing to give, which is nothing, when he is the only one who stands to receive.

she stinks of dreams
she wakes to his smile/
he'll never love you i tell her/
she reads too much/
too much syntax, too much nuance, too much tone/
tells me his silence speaks volumes/
fuck that sister, you're delusional [and trite]

you've got your marbles tripping up pedestrians.

she could be high/
the way she smiles/
i can even hear the shit she's playing in her head/
fucking goofy bop-bop-happy-finger click thing she's doing/
did you hear me when i said he'll never love you?/
he spreads that smile like marmalade.

and he's got you as stupid as jam.

I step on your masks, grind them down to talc when you are with me, but for one cemented.

random acts of comment.
paper-weight soulmate,

"feathers have more staying power"
speaks the bitterness of once

sole mate dead-weight.

He looks like you. Only softer.

that night
I wear the sweater you bought me.
The one you grip and read like braille the night you ask if i've ever been this close to anyone. No, i say, lying and telling the truth as i look into those eyes that never linger.
I want to say I love, I want to, but all i thrust is Like, I like you, I like you, but I feel the other pushing its way and I'm afraid of what it means for 'us'.
I'm so close to you. I want to be closer.
I want to look into your eyes, see myself twice reflected, but i've lost you in your moment.
I lose you forever.

she spoke to me once of feeling bereft
She told me once that a heart could really break. That it was not something poets imagined, that it was the truest most painful thing she had ever, ever felt.
She asked me what she was to do with him, when he'd become everything and nothing to her.
I knew of what she spoke. I knew of friendly eyes and sweet sweet smiles.
She asked me, she asked God, why was he put inside her, when he was never meant to stay?

He disappears in acts. A histrionic ghost. And a wisp whispers; SHE doesn't want me. and I? Muted it seems were my self-flagellations. the whip whispered, and he never felt the sound.

your post-it note declarations linger like yesterday's toast and tea.
finds its nest at the bottom of a magpies hoarde.
litter me with your litanies;
i shall not want,
the bread crumbs of your fevered libido,
you've become disposable.

distance is close
reckless am i. to hold you to this road to anywhere. where i fill your ears and mouth. and you fill mine. with wicked wicked words of pious lust. and distance closes skin and lips to bruise from your red nouns and my liquid verbs.

My love would be true if it weren't for him fucking around.

He kissed me.
That was the unravelling.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

"I worry that I'll just use you and leave you. But then I'll realise I actually like you, and then I'll pine and write poems about Us. And then I'll propose to you, and then you'll tell me to fuck off, and then I'll write more bad poetry. And then you'll feel sorry for me and remember what a good kisser I was. Then we'll get married and have a couple of brats (but not too early on, and we'll space them out)."

Friday, October 12, 2007

There is no kind way to tell someone that their brother is a manbitch.

Friday, September 07, 2007

origami enthusiasts do not die. they fold.

Monday, August 20, 2007

"I love him because there are times where I hate him, because he is able to reduce me to nothing just by his silence. I love him because there is no scratch off of the spectra of elation and feeling utterly bereft, I have not witnessed. I die and I live in each breath that he sends my way. He makes me feel; an entire lifetime of pain, joy, hope and dark in a single encounter. He is all things to me. And maybe I've made a God of him. And maybe I suffer for this blasphemy. But that is nothing to me. I will hurt for him. I will live for him."

Thursday, August 16, 2007

I used to be her. Before I sold out.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Old activists don't die. They go phansi.

(salvaged from an msn convo archive)

Monday, July 30, 2007

Do the dead feel disappointment as the living do?
Daddy, I'm sorry, I smoke.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

They were waiting in line, waiting for their change, waiting for a change and waiting for a chance to wait to be seated.

“I’m trying to remember not to wait till I’m older or wait till I’m wiser,” he said while they waited for the show to start, a show he hoped wouldn’t be the kind that he couldn’t wait for it to end. “I can’t wait to see her and I’m not just waiting for a good time”.

She waited for him to finish. “But do we have to wait for them? I hate waiting for people and waiting for things. I just can’t wait,” she said.

“I’ll wait over here, you wait over there,” he said.

“I’m not going to just stand here and wait!” she shouted. “You wait and see!”

What was she complaining about, he thought, when she was always waiting for the next one when she wasn’t waiting for The One.

“We’re all waiting. You’re waiting for me while I’m waiting for her. Wait for a little longer please?”

“They’re still waiting to hear from you, you know,” she said. “They told me it’s like waiting for rain, Bob doesn’t want to wait in vain and John’s waiting on the world to change

She stopped and waited for him to answer his cellphone, “You’re waiting for the rain to stop? Yes, yes of course, we’ll wait till you get here.”

“I’m sorry Sir, we can’t wait any longer, the show’s about to begin.” said the usher who’d been waiting to seat them.

“Ah hell,” he said while he waited for his refund, “We’ll just wait for the dvd. Hey where are you going? Wait! Wait!”

skirting the edges of consciousness

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

That is the greatest disappointment- finding out first hand that our parents are fallible and not immune to what is otherwise a life certainty. I lost my dad when i was 6 - nothing felt more surreal.

Friday, January 19, 2007

chop chop?

" so u gonna axe him then?"

"you know, it's kinda like a pair of comfortable jeans that you really really really like but they make your ass look big. so you only ever wear them at home. so you're thinking should i toss 'em or just wear them when no ones looking."



Tuesday, January 09, 2007

sam plays his spade and his maltesers

She walked into the room like spring came early. The kind of broad that makes men weak in the wallet. This gumshoe saw trouble. But he wasn't the type to turn his back on trouble. Especially when it had blonde hair and a pout that said, "I need your help Dick, he's after me and I don't know where else to go..."

Friday, January 05, 2007

"Pragmatics will beat your heart to a pulp"

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

conversation piece

There is no after-glow when you've been fucked over by assumption.