Friday, January 19, 2007

chop chop?

" so u gonna axe him then?"

"you know, it's kinda like a pair of comfortable jeans that you really really really like but they make your ass look big. so you only ever wear them at home. so you're thinking should i toss 'em or just wear them when no ones looking."




Mohamed Karolia said...

I had a pair of jeans like that once. Gave it a chance even wore it outdoors on occasions despite my huge ass. ;) It finally tore so I couldnt even wear it indoors either. Ill never forget that jeans. *sniff*

Anonymous said...

Lol..I think we've all been through this predicament.
The jeans and non-jeans type :P

Anonymous said...

we all hang on to it clothes or food. The food bit results in the big ass:-)